Invasion of the Never Trump Neocons
From the moment it was clear that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for President in 2016, an entire generation of Never Trump neocon pundits abandoned the GOP to seek refuge in the Democratic Party.
I have in mind people like David Frum, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, and David Brooks. Predictably, they all find their “new” party to be far too “liberal”. Worse still (from their perspective), since 2016 the party has been tracking ever-leftward towards popular progressivism, which they of course all hate. As the 2020 Democratic Primaries unfold we now must suffer their right-wing bad advice.
To appreciate just how gross this is, we simply need to recall that for these warmongering imperial cheerleaders, America’s halcyon days were the horrific George W. Bush years. The Bush years! If you’re over 20 surely you remember. It was an era that married hawkish Cheney-Rumsfeldian neoconservatism to callous Wall Street neoliberalism. It brought us waterboarding, torture prisons, drone strikes, the horrors of war, the Patriot Act, and eventually The Great Recession.
Now, as Never Trumpers, they’ve joined “the Resistance”. Now they pose as reasonable “moderate” voices in the Washington Post, the New York Times, MSNBC, and The Atlantic, drip, drip, dripping their caustic poison into the ears of Democrats, dragging the conversation rightward. As progressives its important for us to remind Democrats of who these Never Trump neocons really are: warmongering neoconservative Republicans, “slumming” for awhile in the Democratic Party.